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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Moscovici comments on the Campaign

Pierre Moscovici (Parti Socialiste France) has been National Secretary of the socialist party (PS) since 1995, minister for European affairs between 1997 and 2002, and member of the Assemblée Nationale since 2007. He successfully campaigned in favour of an open primary in the French PS by launching an online petition in June 2009. Moscovici is a leading socialist voice for the extension of democracy within the European Union and amongst parties of the Left.

On the 25th September, Pierre was invited to speak at the Liberation of Lyons forum, held in partnership with the Jean Jaurès Foundation, a leading French think-tank for progressive social change. In his speech on the subject « Construction européenne et l’idéal démocratique? », Pierre made reference to the Campaign for a PES Primary and the role it is playing in the democratisation of the EU's institutions and the creation of a European political space:

Les avancées de Lisbonne ne sont qu’une première étape dans la démocratisation des institutions et la construction d’un espace politique européen. D’autres progrès sont nécessaires, parmi lesquelles:

* Renforcer le rôle du Parlement européen qui, élu au suffrage universel, est le cœur démocratique de l’Union.

* Faire du Président de la commission européenne l’émanation directe de la majorité parlementaire. Il faut à ce titre accorder de l’attention à l’initiative de primaires ouvertes proposées par certains pour désigner le prochain candidat socialiste à la présidence de la Commission, qui conduirait donc les listes du PSE. Cette initiative peut contribuer à « percer » le silence médiatique sur les questions européennes et ranimer l’intérêt des citoyens pour ces élections.

* « Européaniser » l’élection du parlement européen à travers l’institution de listes paneuropéennes.

English translation:

The advances in Lisbon [Treaty] are only the first steps in the democratization of institutions and the construction of a European political space. Further progress is needed, including:

* Strengthening the role of the European Parliament which is elected by universal suffrage and is the democratic heart of the Union.

* Making the President of the European Commission a direct emanation of the parliamentary majority. It is for this reason that we should pay attention to the initiative for an open [PES] primary that has been proposed by some to designate the next Socialist candidate for the presidency of the Commission, and who would therefore lead the lists of the PES. This initiative can help "break" the media silence on European issues and revive the interest of citizens in these elections.

* Europeanising the election of the European Parliament through the establishment of pan-European lists.

The Campaign for a PES Primary is delighted to welcome the comments of Pierre Moscovici and warmly endorses the rallying call with which he ended his speech:

Il nous faut donc continuer sans relâche, ne pas nous laisser gagner par le scepticisme ambiant. L’Europe politique n’a jamais été une évidence ou un acquis, mais bien plutôt une ambition, un combat. L’idéal démocratique est au bout du chemin.

We must therefore continue without respite. We cannot let others win by skepticism. A political Europe has never been obvious nor inevitable, but rather it is an ambition, a struggle. The democratic ideal is our ultimate goal.

Note: translation errors are entirely my own. Desmond O'Toole.

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